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Men's Shooting Gilets & Waistcoats

Looking for a tweed shooting gilet, A wax body warmer or a smart Harris Tweed waistcoat? Look no further than Walker & Hawkes. We offer a variety of top-quality men’s shooting gilets and waistcoats made from exquisite materials, such as Harris Tweed, Abraham Moon, and British Millerain

Gilets and waistcoats have become staples in shooting, hunting, and rural fashion. They are durable, stylish, and versatile, making them perfect for wearing over a shirt in the summer or layered under a matching jacket for warmth. You can find a product that suits you from our extensive selection of materials and colourways, including tweed, waxed cotton, and fleece.

Whether you are out in the fields or at a country pub, you’ll likely spot a gilet or two. Browse Walker & Hawkes for a collection of men’s shooting gilets and waistcoats.

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